Wow... it’s been a hell lot of a journey that I and my guy went through. I’ve not been updating ‘cause I really wanted to update with my guy, but he kept insisting on me to update. -_- So, here I am, updating... (Like duh -_-!) Anyways, there was so much that my guy and I did together. I’m just going to summarize what happened.
Major events that happened:
- I accompanied my guy to get his new Xbox 360. I met up with his dad, stepmom and lil’ sis. I was really nervous. We ate KFC but I took little bits at a time. Everyone was telling to eat up. I was really shy at that time. We managed to stop by a book fair in front of Plaza Singapura. I almost banged my head on a sign! Haha... Eventually, we got his 360 at CWP’s Comic’s Connection. Hahahhah...
- · Accompanied him to go and buy his beloved game...Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood. We surveyed from shop to shop to see if any of them got the Collector’s Edition. He really wanted the Jack in the Box. Unfortunately, there weren’t any. So he just bought what Singapore shipped in, the so called ‘Limited Edition’. We stopped by the Esplanade and almost got lost. We managed to find our way bock but boy was it a long way to the train station.
- · I got my N level results. I was so happy and proud that my guy accompanied me to take my results. Eventually, I got promoted! Wohoo! Sec 5, here I come!
- · He wanted to get me a video game for Wii console. God, I’m still touched by just by the thought of it. So off we went to Funan Digital Mall! I wanted COD: Black Ops. Turns out that it was out of stock. I was kind of surprised actually. He said he wanted to get Halo Reach. We surveyed a little bit more before finally making the final decision. Since Black Ops wasn’t available, we decided to get Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock instead. And I finally got my first video game ever!!! He bought Halo Reach, limited edition. There was so much inside. I can’t remember everything that’s inside but I know that there is a journal about the game. And it the nicest drawings you could ever get.
- · Happy New Year!! Fireworks.....countdowns...parties...blah blah blah...it’s just another day people...big deal! -_-!
- · First day of school. Finally, new form teachers!!! :D Now, I have to concentrate on my ‘O’s while he has to concentrate on his ’N’s. His art drawing is SUPERB! Superb I tell you!! My resolution for the both of us: LET’S GO ALL THE WAY TO WORK HARD AND BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER. FOR OUR FUTURE!! LET’S GO...........!!!!
So yeah...there you have it...it’s not much but that’s really the bestest of the bestest things that happened. We’ve been spending a lot of time together, doing our own course works...I am still very amazed by his artwork...today, went to the library with him. He wanted to find Halo books. So desperate to find the Halo Encyclopedia...but it was reserved. In the end, we went to find the novel of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, and true enough there was! God, he was grinning from ear to ear...he must have really enjoyed it!! I Love You My Boyfriend!!
- Aidah

Yupp.. I'm so getting addicted to video games right now. After I played Modern Warfare 2 with my guy, I kinda liked it and well.. Wanted more. I must say that my guy was patient with me with teaching me how to operate the controller. [ Even though I kept shooting and throwing grenades at him.. Hehe.. ] But all in all, we had fun. I felt really great whenever we finished a mission and then we'd high-five each other. It makes me feel like we're really in a team. [ Even though I know I won't do so well in a real war. -_-". ] I didn't know shooting people would be that much fun. That's it. When I get my Xbox 360, I'm so gonna buy that game. My guy says he's gonna lend me some of his games. Can't wait for that! We played a couple of Guitar Hero too. My guy kept playing the drums. In a way, when he played the drums, he kinda grooved to it too. And it made him look so hot! I am so proud to have such a hot, handsome, expert in games boyfriend! For me, I'll stick with the guitar. I still find it hard to play the guitar solos. It's either too fast of freaking fast. I know my guy can handle it. He plays it like it's a piece of cake. Sometimes, I envy him. But no worries, I'm gonna have another round of Modern Warfare 2 with my guy tomorrow and this time I'm bringing my own money. Plus I'm breaking fast with him too! Yes! Just can't wait for tomorrow..
- Aidah.

These past two daes were great.. Me and Aidah went around to St. Games and strung it out on endless sequels of Guitar Hero.. Although it was my girlfren's first time on Guitar Hero games.. [ First time on a 360.. Mind you.. -_-". ] I was quite impressed by her gaming prowess.. She started out with Easy difficulty, but my constant reminders for her to challenge herself paid out.. Moments later, she started to crap out on all the combos and stuff to a whimpering pulp.. So we played on our plastic guitars for quite a few hours before I figured out I wanted to try out the drums.. [ Haha..! My first time too.. -_-". ] By then, we were both rocking out on Guitar Hero: Metallica.. Me on the drums with Hard and the occasional Expert difficulty, and my girlfren on the guitar, alternating between Medium and Hard every now and then.. We played a whole ton of songs.. From "Everlong" by Foo Fighters to "Enter Sandman" by Metallica.. [ Check out the blog's playlist.. Some of the songs we played are there.. ] And the list goes on.. Other than that, we both had a great time chilling out playing Guitar Hero.. Bought donuts at Donut Empire jus a while ago. [ Lots of choc..! ] Hmm.. Can't wait for our next Guitar Hero session.. Wow..! Todae was great..! And that new 360 I was planning to buy looks so tempting nowadaes..
- Nasrul.

Yupp.. I've been sneaking out in the middle of the night with my guy for the past few days. In case you're wondering, my parents don't even know about it.. I snuck out from the window in my bedroom. Now I know what a window is really for.. Hehe.. I'd meet up with him after he finishes work around 11 late at night and we'd just walk around the neighbourhood.. We've been eating alot McDonalds ever since. It was a first for me but I kinda like it.. I mean, like at night, there's no one around and I feel like as if it's just me and him. So I kinda like it.. We did some of wild stuff.. Both of us tried to break a vending machine and take all the snacks.. Almost did it! Haha! We ate instant noodles everytime we met.. I ate noodles with chopsticks.. And yeah, I ate slow. He finished his first.. What do you expect, he's a guy..Of course he's got to eat fast.. Then he ended up feeding me instead. And I like it.. Makes me feel like I'm a princess.. :) We walked around some more.. He wanted another bowl of instant noodles, so I bought him another one and a donut to go with it. He ate it all.. Can't blame him. He's dead hungry. At least he has the 'Charcoal' bread to fill his stomach if he's hungry. Hahaha.. It's not even charcoal. It's just brown bread with raisins inside.. But it sure looks like charcoal.. But I pity him. At least I can go home and have a bed to sleep. He has to sleep under some block.. I kinda feel guilty. I hope I just don't trouble him.. Anyway, I can't wait for him to get his pay. I'm so needing a new wallet!!! :)
- Aidah.

Today must probably be the most freaking worst day of my life!! First of all, I was caught with ankle socks and I got pulled out in front of the whole school during morning assembly. Imagine how embarrassed I was. I took off my shoes and pulled up my socks and the teacher said that there was no point doing that. I was so pissed, but I just showed my innocent face. . Still not satisfied, she then told me to take off my ear studs. Damn! Feel like slapping her! I had to buy a new pair of socks. Wasted my 2 bucks on that.. Ended up with nothing to eat, which resulted to a freaking bad stomachache.. Then I was late for Geography class and had to stay outside of class. Bull****. I couldn't take the humiliation. I was so looking forward to after school when I'd meet my boyfriend. Sure enough, at least he managed to cheer me up. Although he could only hang out for awhile, we had quite alot of fun. Ate Mac and... Nachos! It's been so long since I ate those.with him.. He got a job recently, so now he's working. I managed to spend time with him during my birthday.. Even though he did not give me any present, it was okay.. I had fun spending time with him. Before I met him, I was already planning to go to his place using my mom's transport card. All I had to do was to top it up.. Then I found out I had to top up 10 bucks for adult cards.. I only had 5 bucks with me.. I felt so upset. So did he.. Took me about 20 minutes to find a solution.. Standard Ticket! And I was on my way there! :D I HAD to meet him.. I wanted to spend my birthday with him no matter what.. And I got my wish! I got my birtday present! My guy! :D
Thank you. Love him.
- Aidah.

So let's see.. It's the last dae of the holidaes.. I think I'm ready for school tomoro. I'll start anew.. Since last year's incident, I've learnt alot about myself and how life works.. Frens.. Studies.. And all the crap you can think of. Being a retainee isn't a curse. It's a blessing.. All one needs to do is realise. Being an ex-IMH patient isn't that bad either.. [ I kinda like it.. Adds a bit of spice and notoriety to my life's history.. -_-". And no guys.. I'm not crazy either.. Mega -_-". ] Hmm.. Let's see.. I have school and work tomoro. Talking about work.. I'm drinking down around 20 bucks for free every time I go to work.. From smoothies to espreskis to snapps.. Haha..! [ Buffet.. -_-". ] Learn't a ton of new songs with my new electric guitar. One's in the music player. "Lay Down". Have a listen.. Nothing much.. Haven't seen my girlfren for ages.. Kinda miss her already.. She's kinda waiting for her birthdae cos' she knows I'm getting her something special.. [ Shhh.. We'll keep that very low okae.. Pinky handshake.. ] Just can't wait for pay dae..
- Nasrul.

Hey guys, so this is my new blog. It's a shared blog between me and my guy. I've not been blogging for awhile. Been kinda busy lately. I've been spending a lot time with my guy. Went to his place a lot of times. We talked, hang out and ate [ a lot.. ] Played catching..and doing all the childish stuff. But what the hell..! All that matters is that we have fun right?! Haha..! We kinda went out todae.. Ate at Pizza Hut.. We took some pictures there but I can't seem to upload it. However, the pictures are on my facebook profile. I followed him to his workplace yesterday. He's starting work next Monday. He's really working hard for the money, so that he can buy his beloved Xbox 360. Sometimes I think that he's fallen deeply in love with his games.. Haha.. I played badminton with his sisters too yesterday. I was wearing my shoes and we were playing in a hall. So the floor was slippery. And I kept sliding around. Until I fell. And when I tried to get up again, I fell again. Damn, I was so embarrassed. So in the end, I got two bruises on my knees. He's going out with his father today. I wanted to follow. My mum wanted me to go with him and enjoy the day but I felt that she wanted me to stay by her side as well.. She wanted to say that she was sorry but I told her that it was okay. I could tell him that, and he would understand. I hope he had fun today. Really wished I could be with him....
That's it for now...
- Aidah.
Hmm.. I know.. I posted kinda late.. Nothing much really.. My recent blog just died. So I'm starting a new, shared one with my girlfren. Already started work at Dome Cafe for like.. Four daes..? It's getting better every dae.. There's this guy who alwaes comes there and he looks totally like Adrian Pang.. [ I wonder if it's really him.. ] Anywae, the new 360 is coming out this July.. My last 360 died.. -_-". [ Sad face.. ] Nevermind..
- Nasrul.